One hot Wednesday summer night, my friends and I decided to had dinner and catch up all things that make us busy for the past few months and so. I was with Adrian,Domingo,Christian and Hope-they are my closest high school friends of course I still have to mention Rowie and Rondell but apparently they could'nt make it that night because Rowie is based now in Cebu having a flourishing career and taking care of her family and Rondell is still based here in Manila but he has a family of his own to be with him that night.
We practically ate everything
After dinner,we knew that we couldn't call it "a day" and that's where Tagaytay came in. Tagaytay is the place where you can go to unplanned gimmicks-- its just an hour or two drive from the metro.Thanks for the cozy weather of Tagaytay, we first stopped to a local arroz caldo house and they ordered sans me because it's carbs again and on our dinner I had too much pasta. Afterwards, we decided to had coffee but it's already past midnight, local coffee shops and Starbucks is closed and the only open in the near Rotonda area is Hap Chan. We traveled to Tagaytay to eat dimsum at Hap Chan and this Chinese resto-chain is scattered all over Manila (by the way, we were the only customers of Hap Chan that moment). That was it, dinner at Friday's and ate dimsum at Hap Chan Tagaytay. More than the tasteful dishes, it's the time spent with my most precious friends will definitely be treasured.