In this age of technology where there is an electronic organizer and mobile phones where you can store your erratic scheds, I still prefer the manual ones-meaning the traditional organizer but the stylish ones (see above photo). This Belle de Jour Power Planner is really a best friend aside from entering your scheds, to-do lists, important notes and the list goes on, this superb baby gives us discounts and freebies because there are coupons attached to this planner. Retailed at Php 598, it can go a long way when you use the coupons, establishments like White Hat italian fro-yo (which I truly love and always crave for),Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, All flip-flops, Azta Urban Salon et al (buy the planner and check the other partner establishments). Now the Php 598 is really worth it when you have this planner at hand aside from helping you organizing your daily activities this will help save you lots of moolah in the long run and thanks to its coupons, yehey!!!
Search This Blog
Mar 22, 2010
Power Planner
I'm back, after almost two weeks of not updating my blog because I was so busy from work (I am not complaining in fact I am enjoying it!). What would I share now? Something that keeps me busy for the past few weeks-It's the search for the PLDT MyDSL Watchpad Crew! It is open to 16-20 y/o male and female and articulate individuals who has passion for the 'net and can be up for anything and everything! The most interesting part of this search are the prizes to be won by five winners: Php 100k in cash, Sony Vios laptop, one yr-free PLDT MyDSL subscription, mossimo, apparels, free roundtrip ticket to Boracay via Sea Air plus two nights accomodation and will be part of PLDT MYyDSL Watchpad events and campaigns! That's so much so calling all young individuals join the search and be the next Broadband icon.
For more details of the search pls log on to
For more details of the search pls log on to
Mar 8, 2010
Up close and personal
The best thing about my current job is to travel for free and the icing on the cake is to be able to work with one of the world's most famous dance crew-Jabbowockeez. I dont even know his name but when the first time I saw him on the MusicFest 2010 presscon in Cebu I knew I had a crush on him. When I asked him about his ethnicity he gamely answered that he is half Filipino and Korean. He even mentioned that his mother is from the province of Siquijor-now that is really up close and personal.
I don't have any plans of taking a pic with him because the security was so tight, lucky me 'cause I had backstage access (I have to give credit to Migs of Channel V Philippines for being so patient with my "kakulitan"). So how did I come up with a pic of him, here's a short story: I was inside the backstage specifically in the artists area because I was looking for Rhian Ramos's blouse that she left in one of the comfort rooms. I was not able to find it so I had to leave and few steps before the exit door, this cutie was sitting and relaxing with their R.M. (Road Manager). I already passed by them but with me naturally a bit flirty (in a graceful way), I cant help it, gave my digicam to his RM and politely asked if she can take a photo of me with this exceptional lad. Luckier me, the RM gave in and here it is posted in my blog.
I don't have any plans of taking a pic with him because the security was so tight, lucky me 'cause I had backstage access (I have to give credit to Migs of Channel V Philippines for being so patient with my "kakulitan"). So how did I come up with a pic of him, here's a short story: I was inside the backstage specifically in the artists area because I was looking for Rhian Ramos's blouse that she left in one of the comfort rooms. I was not able to find it so I had to leave and few steps before the exit door, this cutie was sitting and relaxing with their R.M. (Road Manager). I already passed by them but with me naturally a bit flirty (in a graceful way), I cant help it, gave my digicam to his RM and politely asked if she can take a photo of me with this exceptional lad. Luckier me, the RM gave in and here it is posted in my blog.
Silver Birthday
Chok in a maroon pique shirt, Van in a floral sheer top,me in turquoise plaid, Jairo in a printed shirt, Pat in red stripes shirt and Francis in a plum shirt and black jacket
Feb 1,2010-Makati- It's my 25th birthday with few good and closest friends in tow. My actual birthday is Feb 02, I had a pre-birthday party because I can't celebrate it on the day itself 'cause I had to catch a 9:30AM flight the following day (Feb 03)going to Cebu to cover MusicFest 2010 featuring Boyce Ave. Jabbowockeez and American Idol champ Kris Allen. That night was one of the happiest aside from being with my darling friends, I love the place where I celebrated it-it's no less than The Distillery in Jupiter, Makati. I suuuuuuuuuper heart the place because its so relaxing even though it was a night of alcohol and loud music! The staff here are so warm and they will take care of your alcoholic needs-=). We had two one-liter JC tequila, an Absolut vodka raspberry (which I super adore the taste) and Absolut vodka pear--- with these drinks,who would not get drunk?! You will see below my birthday photos courtesy of Jairo, have a good view!!!
Choy, Jayzel, Jairo,Pat, me, Francis and Gian in a black blazer
Me making a pa-cute shot
With my dear friends and the booze of the night
This is what you call FAB FOUR-=)
Posing for the cam...
Choy is s0 serious, Jayzel is undeniably pretty, Gian is so girly now and me as ever so stylish-=)
This 2010 is my silver year and by getting a year older I should get a lot wiser, wiser in all aspects of life but hey, I am a work in progress. This year I just started a career I truly love and suits my personality and with this I know that lots of wonderful things is yet to come!
P.S. I deeply apologize for the photos which were not posted well, I'll update this...-=)
Mar 7, 2010
It's me and one of my close friends Gian, this photo was taken from our dear friend's (Vanessa, I'll post more of her bday photos in the coming days, I have to steal from FB) birthday party on Nov. 27, she celebrated at The Distillery in Jupiter Street, Makati. That night was so full of booze and I got buzzed. Anyway, that night was so intimate because it's only her well loved and most trusted friends she invited on her celebration, more than being happy and lucky I am so blessed to have Vanessa as a very good friend. The Distillery is such a happy place, it's small though but everytime I'm there I never felt that place is so crowded because it is always jampacked with fabulous and well-dressed peeps. Who wouldn't love seeing gorgeous human beings they're like eye-candy (like me,harharhar),but aren't we all gorgeous in our way, just be confident and give that perfect smile (see left photo).
Blog or blogging is not something new these days, but only these past few months (mid-January 2010) that crossed my mind to do my own blog. It all started while I was searching a designer profile-an assignment from my current job. Going back on how I started reading and loving blogs, I happened to click the blogsite of a magazine editor whom I am an avid collector/reader of her magazine. Then, I read her blog almost everyday, its oh-so free spirited kind of blog, not so fussy and not so serious, enough to keep you smile and enough to warm your heart with her words of compassion and encouragement. Basically her blog ( is anything and everything under the sun. And that's one reason why I created this blog, to talk anything and people who will take time to visit my blog will just read funny, interesting and at times mellow-dramatic stories.
I hope that this personal blog or should I say on-line diary will serve as an inspiration to someone who can read it and that there will be a personal connection to be built between me and the reader. To my future readers, expect that everytime you're on my blog, I will assure you that I will write from the heart and you will see different photos that would tickle your fancy. Have a good read!-=)
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