In this age of technology where there is an electronic organizer and mobile phones where you can store your erratic scheds, I still prefer the manual ones-meaning the traditional organizer but the stylish ones (see above photo). This Belle de Jour Power Planner is really a best friend aside from entering your scheds, to-do lists, important notes and the list goes on, this superb baby gives us discounts and freebies because there are coupons attached to this planner. Retailed at Php 598, it can go a long way when you use the coupons, establishments like White Hat italian fro-yo (which I truly love and always crave for),Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, All flip-flops, Azta Urban Salon et al (buy the planner and check the other partner establishments). Now the Php 598 is really worth it when you have this planner at hand aside from helping you organizing your daily activities this will help save you lots of moolah in the long run and thanks to its coupons, yehey!!!
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